How to reply a message from the Teams Desktop client?

On the Microsoft Teams Mobile client, the option to “Reply” on a specific message was already released. But on the Microsoft Teams Desktop client, this option wasn’t there.

It can be challenging sometimes, especially when you are in a multi-chat (1-on-1 messages work as well), where a lot of messages are being sent. It can be challenging to keep an overview of messages if there are multiple topics being discussed in the chat. So how to reply to a specific message from the Microsoft Teams Desktop Client? See below the current workaround I was using, followed by the new feature that will be released anytime soon.

Workaround to reply to a specific message

As the option wasn’t there, I used the workaround to copy the original message from a person, paste it in the chat and use the “Format” tools to put the message between quotes (see example below).

Things will change really soon!

Soon the workaround isn’t needed anymore. When this feature is released in the Teams Desktop Client, you can click on the ellipsis (3 dots) and select “Reply”.

Easy right?

Below an example of how it looks like, including the workaround if the reply feature isn’t available for you (yet) as they are still working on it (see Microsoft Teams UserVoice)

Are you already using the “Reply” option? If so, is this only in the Microsoft Teams Mobile client, or also doing it (via the workaround) in the Teams Desktop Client?

Let me know in the comments below!

For now, 
Thanks for reading! 

Kind regards and Stay Healthy, 
Mitchell Bakker

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